These images are from the paper by Shah & Gilliams which is in the ‘Most Cited” list, below.
They show a schematic diagram of a trigger point and the dialysis instrument which is used to analyse the environmental mileu of these entities.
I have been browsing through a recent summary from Elsevier, of the most downloaded and the most cited articles from The Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies, that I edit.
General trends of interest emerge – with topics such as myofascial trigger points, Pilates, Yoga, Stretching, and fibromyalgia, dominating the subject matter.
In the list of the top ten ‘most cited’ papers I find it interesting that a there are a large number of articles that have trigger points as a focus (five out of ten), while in the list of top ten ‘most downloaded’ papers, Pilates leads (four out of ten).
Lederman E The myth of core stability
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, Volume 14, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 84-98
Yuktasir B Kaya F Investigation into the long-term effects of static and PNF stretching exercises on range of motion and jump performance
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, Volume 13, Issue 1, January 2009, Pages 11-21
La Touche R et al Treating non-specific chronic low back pain through the Pilates Method
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, Volume 12, Issue 4, October 2008, Pages 364-370
Liptan G Fascia: A missing link in our understanding of the pathology of fibromyalgia
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, Volume 14, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 3-12
Cowan V Functional fitness improvements after a worksite-based yoga initiative
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, Volume 14, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 50-54
Cusi M Paradigm for assessment and treatment of SIJ mechanical dysfunction
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, Volume 14, Issue 2, April 2010, Pages 152-161
Sekendiz B et al Effects of Pilates exercise on trunk strength, endurance and flexibility in sedentary adult females
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, Volume 11, Issue 4, October 2007, Pages 318-326
Bell J Massage therapy helps to increase range of motion, decrease pain and assist in healing a client with low back pain and sciatica symptoms
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, Volume 12, Issue 3, July 2008, Pages 281-289
Cowan V Adam T Physical and perceptual benefits of yoga asana practice: results of a pilot study
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, Volume 9, Issue 3, July 2005, Pages 211-219
Curnow D et al Altered motor control, posture and the Pilates method of exercise prescription
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, Volume 13, Issue 1, January 2009, Pages 104-111
JBMT Volume 10, Issue 1, 2006, Pp 3-9
Fryer, G. Hodgson, L. The effect of manual pressure release on myofascial trigger points in the upper trapezius muscle
JBMT Volume 9, Issue 4, 2005, Pp 248-255
Fernández De Las Peñas, C. et al Manual therapies in myofascial trigger point treatment: A systematic review
JBMT Volume 9, Issue 1, 2005, Pp 27-34
Herrington, L. Davies, R. The influence of Pilates training on the ability to contract the Transversus Abdominis muscle in asymptomatic individuals
JBMT Volume 9, Issue 1, 2005, Pp 52-57
McMakin, C.R et al Cytokine changes with microcurrent treatment of fibromyalgia associated with cervical spine trauma
JBMT Volume 9, Issue 3, 2005, Pp 169-176
Blanco, C.R. et al Changes in active mouth opening following a single treatment of latent myofascial trigger points in the masseter muscle involving post-isometric relaxation or strain/counterstrain
JBMT Volume 10, Issue 3, 2006, Pp 197-205
Ibáñez-García, J et al Changes in masseter muscle trigger points following strain-counterstrain or neuro-muscular technique
JBMT Volume 13, Issue 1, 2009, Pp 2-10
Zakas, A. et al Acute effects of stretching duration on the range of motion of elderly women
JBMT Volume 9, Issue 4, 2005, Pp 270-276
Fernández De Las Peñas, C. et al Manual treatment of post-whiplash injury
Volume 9, Volume 2, 2005, Pp 109-119
Shah, J.P. Gilliams, E.A. Uncovering the biochemical milieu of myofascial trigger points using in vivo microdialysis: An application of muscle pain concepts to myofascial pain syndrome
JBMT Volume 12, Issue 4, 2008, Pp 371-384
Happy browsing…..