“Writing Therapy” – Leon Chaitow talks about research, writing, and life in Corfu in an interview with International Therapist, Spring 2017.
Dr Mercola interviews Dr Chaitow about Candida
If you're not optimally healthy, could candida be at fault? In this interview, British osteopath and naturopath, Dr....
Recognizing and treating breathing disorders – Physiopedia Interview with Leon Chaitow
An in-depth, 50-minute interview with Leon Chaitow by the creators of the Physiospot website. The interview focuses...
Leon Chaitow, Renaissance Man of Complementary Therapies, by Bob King
NB. To view this article in fullscreen mode click the small arrow in the black box in the top right hand corner of the frame below. This will open the PDF in a new window. To download click the red link directly above the embedded PDF. The Print/PDF buttons will...
Interview with Leon Chaitow
Why did you choose to become an osteopath? A number of family members – uncles and cousins were osteopaths or chiropractors, and I became interested after having several excellent experiences when treated by them as a teenager, following falls and sporting injuries....
Osteopathy Today Interview (2011)
NB. To view this article in fullscreen mode click the small arrow in the black box in the top right hand corner of the frame below. This will open the PDF in a new window. To download click the red link directly above the embedded PDF. The Print/PDF buttons will...
Understanding Stress: An Interview with Dr Leon Chaitow (Massage Therapy Canada)
Naturopathic Physical Medicine: An Interview with Leon Chaitow, ND, DO
Leon Chaitow, ND, DO, a regular contributor to Naturopathy Digest, is just about to see the culmination of three years of his work, in the form of a new textbook, Naturopathic Physical Medicine: Theory and Practice for Manual Therapists and Naturopaths. He took some...