Clinical Application of Neuromuscular Techniques Vol.1: The Upper Body (2nd edn) by Leon Chaitow and Judith DeLany is now out of print, and the electronic version is being made exclusively available for preview and download through this website.

The full book is available for purchase below.

Click to read the book description

The book discusses theories and physiology relevant to the manual treatment of chronic pain, especially as it regards the soft tissues of the upper body. Step-by-step protocols that address each muscle of a region and a regional approach to treatment are features that make this book unique. A structural review of each region, including ligaments and functional anatomy, adds value for new students and practitioners alike.

  • Comprehensive ‘one-stop’ text on care of somatic pain and dysfunction
  • Designed and written to meet the needs of those working with neuromuscular dysfunction in a variety of professions
  • All muscles covered from perspective of assessment & treatment of myofascial pain
  • Describes the normal anatomy and physiology as well as the dysfunctions which may arise
  • Gives indications for treatments and guidance on making the appropriate treatment choice for each patient
  • Combines NMT, MET, PR and much more to give a variety of treatment options for each case
  • Describes the different NMT techniques in relation to the joint anatomy involved
  • Practical step-by-step technique descriptions
  • Includes not only manual techniques but also acupuncture, hydrotherapies and nutritional support as well as guidance for the patient in the use of self-help approaches
  • Two-color format
  • Up-to-date evidence based content


Download Options

The following chapters can be downloaded free of charge. Simply click on the title and they will be automatically downloaded to your computer. To purchase the full book for £23.50 ($35.00 ), click the Buy Now button below.

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When payment is completed, you will receive a confirmation email with a download link from where you can download the fully illustrated e-book. The link will be valid for 48 hours after purchasing.

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Technical notes:

  • The full e-book is 37.9 MB in size, and takes roughly 6 minutes to download on an ADSL/Cable connection, but may take longer if you are using a modem/dialup connection.

