Leon Chaitow

Ruddy revisited (again): the value of Pulsed MET

It's been some time since I expounded on one of the loves of my clinical world - the invaluable methods devised by Thomas Jefferson Ruddy DO, over 60 years ago. Earlier today I received a message from a young Indian PT who is studying for a Masters Degree at Punjabi...

Stretching and Flexibility….what is really happening?

There are 4 ‘mechanical theories' as to why tissues are easier to stretch after isometric contractions….most have been discounted or challenged....and there is a 'sensory theory' that is the current favourite... and possibly others?  Firstly...to clarify what is meant...

What’s the relationship between dysfunction and symptoms?

How many times have you heard sceptics say something such as: "If you did an MRI scan of most people without symptoms you're likely to find evidence of painless dysfunction." OR "If you scan people with painful symptoms you'll often find no obvious dysfunction or...

To begin to understand all your “selves”…see Pixar’s movie – Inside Out

Way back in the early 198Os we (Alkmini, Sasha and I) were introduced to the work of Drs.Hal and Sidra Stone while visiting Los Angeles, where I was involved in teaching courses at both Cleveland College of Chiropractic, and the Los Angeles College of Chiropractic....